The Pink Tax: Why do women pay more?

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Photo by shattha pilabut on

There are many products that are deemed ‘male’ versus female purely due to a change of colour and branding. Women’s items are usually light bright colours like white and pink whereas men’s products are usually dark and gruff. (Men’s moisturiser still needs to be masculine, you know?) Once you start looking for the price difference in these male/female items you can’t unsee it. The price increase for women products is known as the pink tax. Whilst it is not an actual government mandated tax it is legitimate. But have you ever wondered why products marketed toward women often come with a higher price tag?

Let’s break down some examples to shine a light on this issue. Take razors, for instance. You’ll find that razors marketed towards women are not only pink but can be significantly more expensive than their male counterparts. The same goes for personal care items like shampoo, deodorant, and body wash. Even children’s toys and clothing can exhibit a gender-based price difference.

  1. Personal care products: Items like razors, shaving cream, and body wash often come with a higher price tag for women. Pink or feminine-branded razors are often priced higher than the basic male razors, even though the functionalities are essentially the same.
  2. Haircare products: Shampoos, conditioners, and styling products marketed towards women are frequently priced higher than those marketed towards men, despite having similar ingredients and benefits.
  3. Clothing and accessories: Women’s clothing can be significantly more expensive than men’s clothing, even for similar styles and quality. This includes items like jeans, t-shirts, and sneakers. Additionally, accessories such as handbags, jewelry, and belts tend to be priced higher for women.
  4. Healthcare products: Feminine hygiene products like tampons and sanitary pads are subject to sales tax in many regions, classifying them as luxury items, whereas products like condoms are often exempt. This taxation discrepancy can add to the financial burden for women.
  5. Dry cleaning: Professional dry cleaners often charge more for women’s garments compared to men’s, even for items made of similar fabrics and requiring similar cleaning processes.
  6. Personal care services: Services like haircuts, hairstyling, and salon treatments can cost more for women compared to men. Although I think this may be a result of women usually having longer hair
  7. Toys and children’s products: Even children’s toys and clothing can exhibit a gender-based price difference, with items marketed toward girls often priced higher than those marketed toward boys.

How to fight back? Forewarned is forarmed. Once you know about these price differences you can change your consumer habits to fight back.

  1. Price comparison: Always compare prices between products marketed towards different genders. Sometimes, you’ll find that nearly identical items have a significant price gap.
  2. Shop gender-neutral: Opt for gender-neutral products whenever possible. These products often come with a lower price tag, yet serve the same purpose.
  3. Speak up and support brands that fight the Pink Tax: Use your voice to advocate for fairness and equality. Support companies that actively work to eliminate the Pink Tax and promote gender-neutral pricing.
  4. Educate others: Spread awareness about the Pink Tax among your friends, family, and social circles. The more people know about it, the more likely we are to see change.

Ladies (and gentlemen who care about gender equality), it’s time to take a stand against the Pink Tax. Hopefully one day we will live in a world where we don’t even have to think about it!